What does your "Page Files" Add-element currently look like inside <virtualPathProviders> in EPiServerFramework.config?
@Johan - for PageFiles it is:
<add showInFileManager="true" virtualName="Page Files" virtualPath="~/PageFiles/" bypassAccessCheck="false" indexingServiceCatalog="Web" physicalPath="[appDataPath]\PageFiles" customFileSummary="~/FileSummary.config" name="SitePageFiles" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathVersioningProvider,EPiServer" />
OK, I found the source of what I was thinking of... The steps described here:
But in 7 showInFileManager="true" is already set so it doesn't seem like you can use it to see more of Page Files.
So seems like it's just a thing that got changed between 6 R2 and 7. You should never use another page's Page Files so I think it's a good thing to change.
You could build a report if you need to check which pages has a Page Files folder created, you would output pagenames which would make it a lot more useful since the folder names you see in 6 up folder view aren't the page ids.
Thanks Johan.
I'm keen to hear if anyone else knows of a way to allow it. One of our editors believe that they have been able to view the subfolders of PageFiles in CMS7 - but, when pressed, couldn't be sure that it was a CMS7 site or CMS6 site.
Appreciate, too, that linking to another page's PageFile is not a good idea (as our editors have found out from time to time), but the requirement here is to be able to FIND a resource when the only thing known is the published URI to the resource (which has the PageFile ID but doesn't identify the actual content page).
In the meantime, I will look to write a listing/search over the page files.
In CMS6.2 it was possible to 'explore' all the page files through the File Manager UI. When looking at any item in a PageFile the 'Up Folder' icon was clickable and resulted in a long list of all the Page File folders.
It appears that this ability is not gone in our implementations of CMS7 (due to technical frustrations we are currently still at 7.0, not 7.1 or 7.5). The 'Up Folder' icon is greyed out.
Image here: http://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/data/EpiserverFileManagerNoUpFolderToPageFiles.png
Is there a setting or some config that will allow us to regain this useful way of re-finding resources in Page Files