Drag and drop is disabled for content areas



In our solution the drag and drop of blocks into Content Area stopped working.  When dragging a block to a content area, the block is "disabled" stopping the editor adding items to the content area.

This is happening throughout the site (even content areas with no restrictions). 

We are using version 8.11.0.  



Sep 11, 2015 10:31

Is it only in dev and for you? I have had that problem locally when, I think, a site is using the same URL as another but are diffrent solutions. Cleaning cookies and cache helped. If that is not the case I have no idea sadly.

Not sure if it was same url but at least it was when I had two solutions and using IIS Express.

Sep 11, 2015 11:18

Thanks for your reply.  We're not live yet, but its happending on our dev and staging environments.  The link "Create new block" is there and we can add new blocks, but can't add existing blocks.


Sep 11, 2015 12:04

Ok, have you had restricions on block level before or on a interface? Not sure this is the case but it might be the fact that episerver stores something about restrictions and that might be the case for you. So that blocks created to not get the new restrictions that you have set.

Sep 11, 2015 13:18

If found the commit that's causing the problem - it an upgrade from 8.8.2 to 8.11.0 - still investigating.

Sep 11, 2015 15:38

I am running into the same issue.  Any resolution on this. I am using 8.11.0 as well

Sep 13, 2015 7:04

What version of EPiServer.CMS.UI did you upgrade from? And what version of it are you currently running?

Sep 14, 2015 15:33

Hi Joshua

Just wanted to let you know that it looks like downgrading EPiServer.CMS.UI package from 8.6.1 to 8.6.0 seems to have resolved the problem for Daniel.


Edited, Sep 15, 2015 12:56

Hey David,

I have downgraded to 8.6.0 and still facing the same issues.  I am stuck.  Every content area on every pagetype disappears when hovering over it with a selected item.  you can see the selected result here.  sorry, its in avi format but you can view the video demo here.  It won't play in browser but there is a downloa link in the upper left corner.  sorry for the inconvenience.


Thanks David.  Again, i appreciate your help.

Edited, Sep 16, 2015 5:25

Reverting EPiServer.CMS.UI to 8.6.0 worked for us as well, thanks!


Sep 16, 2015 6:42

Rolling back EPiServer.CMS.UI and EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core to version 8.6.0 fixed the issue for us.

Sep 17, 2015 13:54
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