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Using ImageEditor from code


Has anyone tried using the ImageEditor dialog (UI/Edit/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.aspx) from code?

To be more specific: what javascript dialogArguments is necessary to use this dialog from outside the wysiwyg editor?

May 11, 2009 9:03

When used from the file manager it's opened with the following code

var imageEditorUrl = EPi.ResolveUrlFromUI("Edit/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.aspx"); 
EPi.CreateDialog(imageEditorUrl + "?img=" + filePath + "&openedfromfilemanager=true", OnEditImageCompleted, null, {src: filePath}, {width: width, height: height});

where width and height are the dialog dimensions and filePath is the path to the image.

May 12, 2009 9:53
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