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Problem with VPP returning 404s after an arbitrary amount of time.


I've got a page which links to a bunch of PDFs and images stored in the VPP. For a period of time after I publish the page, the files are accessible returning a 200 OK and the content of the file. Then, after an amount of time (which doesn't tie in with any cache settings I can find in IIS or the web.config) the files start returning a 404.

Simply re-publishing the page will reset the cycle, but then after an arbitrary amount of time the files will start 404ing again.

Any suggestions?

May 03, 2011 11:47

I've got a similar problem. Did you figure out what casued this and how to solve it?

Feb 06, 2012 10:07

Are the files stored in the page files VPP?

Feb 06, 2012 10:53

No, they are not. It tured out this was the solution;

Feb 06, 2012 11:54
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