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Problems with edit mode at home (not on my organizations network)


Hi! The organization I work for run a site in Epi Server 5, login in edit and admin mode work fine when we are at work and loged on to our network.

However, at home, we can login but not much more. The page tree at the left side cant be expanded, pages opens in new windows and it is not possible to click the edit tab.

What could it be?

Thank you very much.

Aug 15, 2011 8:12

Different versions and/ or settings of IE. My guess is that you have to set your browser in "compatibility mode"

Aug 15, 2011 8:39

Also make sure you have JavaScript turned on.


Aug 15, 2011 9:08

Hi! Thank you. Iam pretty sure I tried both modes in IE8, and yes JavaScript is on. Could it be some security setting from IT, not letting us in? Because the thing is, if I connect to our intra net via VPN and then log in to Epi, it works fine. But not with our external site.

Edited, Aug 15, 2011 11:53

Check wich IE security zone you have your external site in.

Aug 15, 2011 12:31

Yes I have put it in the secure zone. Sorry, but I think it is something else, you know ...

Aug 15, 2011 14:19

I would talk with the IT department and ask if they've any restrictions on accessing EPiServer edit/admin mode from a public IP. Seems not all URLs/resources are publicly available.


Aug 15, 2011 14:28

The behavior you're describing is what happens when the edit tree javascripts aren't working. All tree nodes are rendered as links with a target attribute, but a click on a tree node is supposed to be handled by scripts and the default action (following the link) cancelled.

I'd start by looking in the js error console and also making sure all scripts are loaded. The NET -> JS tab in Firebug will give a nice overview of the loaded scripts.

Are you having the same problem in Firefox?

Aug 16, 2011 13:26

Yes, the same problem in Firefox. I talked to the IT department, and yes they are blocking it somehow. I have to look further into it. Thanks for all the help anyway.

Aug 23, 2011 16:19
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