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Episerver Blog



How can i integrate/implement the Episerver Blog to our Site?



Nov 29, 2010 16:25

You'll find example Blog templates in the Alloy demo templates, available here:


Nov 29, 2010 21:36

If you search a bit there are some threads and blog posts about how to do this with the EPiSErver 5 blog demo templates.

Nov 30, 2010 8:30


Thanks for the Info. I was able to implement the BLOG in our site. I used the existing demo templates project. But there is one issue that i am facing. In the demo templates when we add a Personal Blog Start page, and if we right click that page and if we want to add page which is blogitem, automatically the demo templates project picks up Blog Item page type and DATES and TAGS item was created beneath Blog Start Page where as in my project these are not coming. Can any one help me out





Dec 02, 2010 18:12

Yes, you need to register a HttpModule as well (bug in the demo project).

Something like this: <add name="BlogEventHandlers" type="EPiServer.Blog.EventHandlers, EPiServer.Blog"/> (note tested)

Dec 02, 2010 18:58

Hello Frederik

Thanks for the quick response. I was able to get rid of that and now the dates & Tags are coming. But i do have a problem with Item. Items are not getting created. Any thoughts...



Dec 02, 2010 20:28


This is the error which i get when adding a blog item.

Parameter has no page set
Parameter name: pageLink

Dec 02, 2010 21:26

I think there is a dynamic property that has to exist.


Dec 02, 2010 22:40


I just debugeed the Episerver.Blog.dll, If the tags are not there and if i need to create a first tag attribute then it's failling. In EPiServer.Blog they are checking the count of Tags.

Dec 02, 2010 22:43

Take a look at this blog post:

Dec 03, 2010 10:42

Thanks All. I was successfuly able to integrate the Blog Module into our site. The main thing is in most of the articles they have not mentioned about Categories. That's were I was having problem.


Dec 03, 2010 16:56

Hi Rachappa!

I'm having problems with integrating the blog function in my project, i was wondering if you could be so kind as to share how you did it step-by-step?

I have tried from the alloy template package and also looked at the link previous in this thread, but i would like some more hands on tips.

Would be very grateful for your assistance.


Dec 09, 2010 13:41

Jonas: at which step are you having problems?

Dec 09, 2010 14:47

I have followed the steps provided in the blog post from epinova and tried to adapt the pagetypes and other code from the Alloy templates, but when i create a new personal start page it fails to create the tags and dates pages and i get an "object referance not set to an instance of the object" and i can't figure out where or what i'm doing wrong. So the best thing for me would be some steps on how to proceed from where the blog post ended.

Maybe it's time for a new part in the series on how to create an epi site from scratch on your website ;-)

Thanks for some good exaples there btw!

Dec 09, 2010 15:47

Hello Jonas,

Please check the files,

a) You should include the complete blog folder in ur porject. Check the pagetype of PPersonalStart for it's virtual path. Templates/Demo/Blog/Pages

b) Templates/Demo/Units folder is required

c) Check the web.config for the section name episerver.blo

d) In web.config, check for this tag personalStartPageTypeName, If it's not set then the page might throw an exception


Dec 10, 2010 15:43


Haven't worked on this since December, but now i need to get it working.

1. I have installed the demotemplates on my site through episerver deployment center and included the blog folder and the units folder.

2. I have checked my webconfig to make sure all necessarry parts are there

3. But when i compile i get 

Error 109 The type or namespace name 'Workroom' does not exist in the namespace 'EPiServer.Templates.Demo' (are you missing an assembly reference?) C:\EPiServer\Sites\SandboxSite2\Templates\Demo\Units\Placeable\CreatePageBox.ascx.cs 14 32 PublicTemplates

Error 109 The type or namespace name 'Workroom' does not exist in the namespace 'EPiServer.Templates.Demo' (are you missing an assembly reference?) C:\EPiServer\Sites\SandboxSite2\Templates\Demo\Units\Placeable\CreatePageBox.ascx.cs 14 32 PublicTemplates

Error 110 The type or namespace name 'Forum' does not exist in the namespace 'EPiServer.Templates.Demo' (are you missing an assembly reference?) C:\EPiServer\Sites\SandboxSite2\Templates\Demo\Blog\Pages\Item.aspx.cs 27 32 PublicTemplates

Do i have to modify any of the files inside the added folders or do i have to include something more?
Mar 04, 2011 14:13
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