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Dynamic Data Store architecture


I'm trying to create a simple relationen model in the DDS, but I can't seem find the right solution.

Essentially I have a list of predefined metatags that i want every page to choose from, so where there is a many-to-many relationsship between pages and metatags. I have created a class called MetadataItem that represents an available metatag to choose from. And I have created a class called MetadataMappingItem that represents a mapping between a page and a MetadataItem. So how do I go from there - do i need to create af store for each entitity and how is the references between them managed.

It's not a logical problem, so to speak, I just feels like there some sort of functionality that I am overlooking for this simple purpose?

Jun 18, 2010 13:15

To be honest, I'd consider approaching the problem from a different angle. Is the dynamic data store really the best place to store a relational structure like the one you describe? For example, what would you do if you want to remove a meta tag that has already been assigned to a bunch of pages?

The dynamic data store has its place - simple data such as settings, etc - but I would balk at using an API-based data store to hold a complex data structure. It'll just be easier to manage and debug with good old SQL data tables and a bit of data access code.

There are other bits of EPiServer functionality that could do this too - a dynamic list property or even EPiServer's categories? It depends on the use cases, I guess.

Not much of an answer, I'll admit, but, as I said, its the solution that may be the issue here rather than the EPiServer API?

Jun 22, 2010 12:47
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