Maybe you haven't added a reference to EPiServer.Framework.dll in your project (and it has to be a CMS 6 if that was not obvious).
Or maybe you are missing the less obvious reference, System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll?
In order to get this to work, you'll need to add references to the EPiServer.Framework.dll and the System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll, both installed with CMS 6 and located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Framework\6.0.x.x\bin" directory.
Then it should work :)
In EPiServer Relate+ 2 the CmsIntegrationModule is implemeneted as a class that extends the InitializationModule.
I trying to do this in my project but cannot compile the code.
public class CmsIntegrationModule : EPiServer.Framework.IInitializableModule
EPiServer.Framework.ModuleDependencyAttribute is not an attribute...
Instead I made the classic way by implementing a http module. But this solution looks very good. Does anyone know how to use ModuleDependencyAttribute?