Get the children of the container and filter by access right. Then you'll have a collection of pages with the messages for that particular user.
Hope this helps
Hello Frederik!
Thanks for your reply, i used this tutorial from your website to create a pagelist, just modified it to take my container as startpage. I also found this on your website and was wondering how i could adapt the filterexample to work with the pagelist tutorial?
Edit: If I had only read the whole tutorial i would have found the answer myself =) Everything works great now.
Thank you for your help!!!
I have created a global navigation item plug-in, so far so good....
Now i want to display messages from the site admin to the editors in this plugin, the messages are stored as pages under a container in the pagetree. The container is only visible for admins and messages created should be targeted to specific editor roles by access rights.
I have a container called [messages] how do i display the pages from that container in my .aspx file created for the plugin?
Please help an EpiServer newbie :-)