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Active Directory configuration


I'm currently trying to configure ActiveDiretory integration on a intranet site for a customer.

I've used Softterra LDAP Administrator to verify the connection to AD, however I have some

problems making the intranet work with AD.

To make Softterra work I needed to use GSS Negotiate mechanism, not simple.

Do Episerver have any requirements on what type of mechanism that shall be used??

The errormessage I get is:

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

The exception occurs in Web.config on "type="Episerver.Security.ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider, Episerver"

Anyone have experience with troubleshooting AD connection??

Dec 21, 2011 14:03

Added domain on the user.

This resulted in another exception.

Episerver.Core.AccessDeniedException: Access.denied

Dec 21, 2011 14:10

Remember to add the AD role to the location elements in web.config to give the user access to edit/admin/dashboard. Like the exceptions says, the user doesn´t have access.

Hope this helps.


Dec 21, 2011 20:52

Hi Jon Haakon,

take a look at this blog post:

Also, if you are having problems with Softerra LDAP Explorer, try the AD Explorer tool by MS:  I've used this to successfully test AD connections in EPiServer in previous projects.

Feb 17, 2012 21:37
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