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Modify Workflow Emails



Just a quick question, do you know if it is possible to modify workflow meails to provide a custom login URL?

Thank you

May 23, 2013 11:04

The standard workflows that ship with EPiServer are not very customizable (just examples of each type of workflow). You can only change some of the labels in the notification email by editing /lang/workflowFoundation_EN.XML (or whatever language), see


In order to fully customize the content and layout of the email you should look into building a custom workflow:


Edited, May 23, 2013 22:41

Thank you for your answer, but is there a way of modifying the link or adding another user?

May 24, 2013 11:23

The emails are standardized and hardcoded in the workflow, so no, you cannot easily modify the link in the email.  

That's why I suggested you look into building a custom a workflow, where you can make your own SendMail event and definer the email however you want, as described here:

Code for EPiServer 6 workflows can be found here:

What do you mean by "adding another user" ?


May 24, 2013 12:10

In the workflowFoundation_EN.XML file can i add a text or a link, e.g saying "please use the following url: xyz" as oppose to the generated link? is this possible?

May 25, 2013 13:34

You can change the text in any of existing nodes in workflowFoundation_EN.xml, but you can't change the generated link since this is hardcoded in the workflow.

Like I said, you will need to make a custom workflow to achieve want you want.

May 25, 2013 16:42
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