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visible page in menu programmtically while it is set to false from settings in edit mode


How can I show a page in menu programmatically while it is set to false(visible in menu) in settings of edit mode?

Jul 02, 2013 12:18

How are you rendering your Menu?

If you're using the EPiServer:MenuList Web Control you can add EnableVisibleInMenu="false" to include pages that have visible in menu set to false.

Jul 02, 2013 14:28

Yes, it's really depends on how you are rendering the menu.

If you are constructing it manually, you can use filters and properties (this could be useful found in Alloy MVC sample):

public static IEnumerable<T> FilterForDisplay<T>(this IEnumerable<T> contents, bool requirePageTemplate = false, bool requireVisibleInMenu = false)
        where T : IContent
    var accessFilter = new FilterAccess();
    var publishedFilter = new FilterPublished(ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>());
    contents = contents.Where(x => !publishedFilter.ShouldFilter(x) && !accessFilter.ShouldFilter(x));
    if (requirePageTemplate)
        var templateFilter = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<FilterTemplate>();
        templateFilter.TemplateTypeCategories = TemplateTypeCategories.Page;
        contents = contents.Where(x => !templateFilter.ShouldFilter(x));
    if (requireVisibleInMenu)
        contents = contents.Where(x => VisibleInMenu(x));
    return contents;

private static bool VisibleInMenu(IContent content)
    var page = content as PageData;
    if (page == null)
        return true;
    return page.VisibleInMenu;



Jul 02, 2013 14:41

I am using Episerver.PageTree control to render the menu..

Jul 23, 2013 8:25

If you mean the web control <EPiServer:PageTree />

Try to add EnableVisibleInMenu="false"

Jul 23, 2013 10:07
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