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How to get content of single page by Webservices?



I am new to Episerver and have basic question, I search quite long time and didn't found the answer: Is there a way to get all content of single page by webservices?

I use DataFactoryService GetPage to get page details and GetChildren to get subpages. What should I use to get content of single page?

Feb 06, 2014 12:09

Hi Michal!

What are you meaning with "get content of a single page"? Are you referring to content that is used by the page, like images etc?

Feb 06, 2014 13:15

Hi Linus,

Yes, I mean all content that exists on single page like texts, images etc.


Thanks: )

Feb 07, 2014 8:00

Hello Michal!

Is it the rendered page (the content as markup) you are after? If so, I did a bit of work in that direction once and can get you the code if you'd like; otherwise I would also have to ask you to elaborate a bit :)

Cheers, Mathias

Edit: Meh, too slow >_<

Edited, Feb 07, 2014 8:04

You have a few examples on how to access the values of a page's properties here, if you are using PageTypeBuilder you can get the content by for instance CurrentPage.MainBody; see Joels article.


Feb 07, 2014 8:15

But is there a way to obtain this data using default Webservices?

Feb 07, 2014 9:41

Check out PageStoreService and see if it does what you want. I believe the default path is /WebServices/PageStoreService.asmx. It has a GetPage operation that reads a single page. You will then get the information as an XML response. I haven't used it myself but that's the best answer I can give you. Hope it helps!


Feb 10, 2014 8:06
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