Different content on a site in english and swedish - need help


Hi all!

I have a challange here, as a rather new developer.

We have gotten a site delivered. The site can be viewed in two languages, swedish and english.


Any idea how I delete the blog image on the english version of the site? In default.aspx I can see the code for the blog.

Also, "Evenemang i Nyköping", have some text that is not translated ("Evenemang i Nyköping" and "Läs mer ..."), a web editor cant make english versions of those in EPI. In deafualt.aspx I see the text "Läs mer ...", how do I make it apear as "Read more" in the english version?

So my quiestion is, how do I change things on the english version of the site, things that cant be changed by an editor? To accomplished this, do I have to have access to the "code behind"? Can someone point me into the right direction?
Thank you very much!

May 12, 2011 9:12

An update. The page in epi should be changed for the english version. Instead of the editor browsing to three events, there should be a normal text area there instead.

May 12, 2011 9:39

There should "never" be hard-coded help texts such as "Läs mer" in the aspx/ascx. Those should be stored in a language file and you can use for example the EPiServer translate control to output the text. It will select the text for the language the page is being viewed in, for example:

<EPiServer:Translate runat="server" Text="/common/readmore" /> where there is a node in the language file for each language <common><readmore>Text for language goes here</readmore></common>

If the image is hard-coded too you'll have to take a bit deeper dive in the development, like adding a language specific property to the page template for setting the image and outputting the image from this instead.

Here's a good beginners guide:


May 12, 2011 10:56

Thank you. I look into it.

May 12, 2011 13:48

This made wonders though ...

<% if(CurrentPage.LanguageBranch.ToString()=="sv"){ %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>


Magnus: that guide seems very useful, I will read it thouroughly when I have time. Thanks!

May 13, 2011 10:53
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