Alloy Tech sample site hang on problem


Hello !

I observed some strange behavior when install Alloy Tech sample site with EpiServer CMS 6 R2.

All are installed fine and if don't log in and just browse public site - all is OK. Problems begin if log in

to site and be some time inactive (I think, couple of minutes is enough). After that if try to click any

link on the site there is no any response (site completely hanged on). I checked this issue on several machines

and it's stable reproducible. Also, I made some investigation and can say that most probably in Alloy Tech sample

site software somewhere authorization cookie is handled incorrectly, because of when I delete this cookie site works well again.

Did someone observe the same behavior and can confirm this issue ? Thanks in advance !


Best regards, Mikhail.


Mar 23, 2012 13:14

Any error messages anywhere? In the event viewer application log or elsewhere?

Mar 23, 2012 23:40

Hi Johan !
Thanks for reply !

No, site just completely hanged on without some error messages.

Am I correct understand that event logging turned on by default and

I should just find the file EPiServerErrorLog.txt ?

Did you try to install Alloy Tech sample site and follow steps I described

above ? It's quite easy to reproduce, so, maybe you can say something

concrete doing this ? Thanks !

Mar 26, 2012 9:14
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