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EpiServer Scheduled Job Not Running


I created a new scheduled job. It runs when I'm active in admin mode. However, when I log out and check after some time the scheduled job seems to have disrupted. It actually runs for few times as per the scheduled interval and then stops abruptly which can be seen after logging in again. More over it shows the following warning message:

"The EPiServer Scheduler Service does not appear to be active, it may have been stopped. Next job 'Some Job' should have been executed.".

Whats the reason for this disruption of my scheduled job and how to overcome this.

Jul 02, 2012 16:16

The error message usually means that the Service is not installed or has crasched or been stopped. If you look under "Services" in Computer Management, can you see the EPiServer Scheduler Service listed? If so, what's it status?

Jul 03, 2012 9:19


The "EPiServer Scheduled Service" is listed and its in "Started" status.

Jul 03, 2012 11:10

Do you know if the R2 hotfix is applied to the site? It contains bug fixes for the scheduled tasks.

Edited, Jul 03, 2012 11:12

Thanks Johan, I'll check it.

Jul 03, 2012 12:06

Some helpful links:


The scheduling must also be enabled in the EPiServer.config file. Find the attribute defined by the XPath expression below and set it to "true".

XPath: /episerver/sites/site/siteSettings[@enableScheduler]

In a load balanced environment it is strongly suggested that this is done on only one of the servers.

EPiServer will also stop and display an error message if any scheduled date is in past time. I.e. the date < current time.

The message you receive is something like "The EPiServer Scheduler Service does not appear to be active, it may have been stopped. Next job "Arkivfunktion" should have been executed 2014-01-01 01:01:01".

This message refuses to go away even if the scheduling service is happily chugging away when you look at it in Services.

Go through all the scheduled items in EPiServer and adjust the dates to be in the (near or far) future and it should fix it.

If you still get the error message, you can adjust the dates in the SQL table tblScheduledItem since not all scheduled tasks are displayed in the HTML based administration interface.

This has helped me and I hope that it can help you too.

Apr 28, 2014 10:52


Some things to check are:

  1. Try running all scheduled jobs manually once.
  2. Is the EPiServer Scheduler Service started and not stopped or disabled?
  3. Also information contained in the tblScheduledItem and tblScheduledItemLog could be a factor that can be resolved by removing these database records.
  4. Last but not least, locate the file EPiServer.SchedulerService.Sites.xml under C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Shared\Services\Scheduler Service\ and rename it. After restarting the EPiServer Scheduler Service the file will be recreated. Also Recycle the AppPool for your site in IIS.

Hope this helps!


Apr 29, 2014 23:05
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