Dyamic content


Hi ,

I am rendering User control as Dynamic Content. With Attribute

        DisplayName = "Dart Flash Control",
        Description = "Dart Flash Conrol",
        ViewUrl = "~/Templates/UserControls/StaticControls/FlashScriptControl.ascx")]

When I Preview the Dynamic content its rendering with out any issue. but When I publish the page and view the page, Dynamic Content is not displayed.

Please do let me know i am missing any configration /code error.

Any help is highly appreciated.



Aug 07, 2012 12:46

Are you using the EPiServer:Property control to render your XHTML property?

Aug 07, 2012 13:17

No.I m not using  Episerver.Property.

I followed the approach given here.




Aug 07, 2012 14:07

Yes, but I meant in the template that renders the page, I'm guessing you have a XHTML property with a name such as MainBody or something like that. In the edit mode you test inserting a dynamic content block inside the Editor for MainBody.

If you just render it like <%= CurrentPage["MainBody"] %> the dynamic content processing will not be initialized. You need to use EPiServer:Property or something like this:


Edited, Aug 07, 2012 14:20


Thanks a lot for driving me in right direction.



Aug 07, 2012 16:13

Hi Johan..

I am getting strange error: while rendering . any idea?


Control 'ctl01_ctl02' of type 'HiddenField' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Control 'ctl01_ctl02' of type 'HiddenField' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

Source Error:

Line 95: 
Line 96:             // Render the Property control to get the markup
Line 97:             ctrl.RenderControl(htw);
Line 98: 
Line 99: 

Source File: C:\Projects\OnlineRecruitment\trunk\Source\OnlineRecruitment.Web\Templates\Pages\ArticlePage.aspx.cs    Line: 97

Edited, Aug 07, 2012 17:48

You need to replace the asp:HiddenField control with something else or add a form tag with runat=server... The error message only concerns ASP.NET and your templates and has nothing to do with EPiServer.

Aug 08, 2012 9:22
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