PageLink ID Appearing on top of page when saved


I have a weird bug I'm not sure how it happened or what could be causing this. Whenever I save any page in the CMS, when it loads back to the preview tab, it puts the PageLinkID at the very top of the page above the preview/edit tabs.. What could be causing this? It isn't happening on the front end, and it happens to every page type, even those without an assigned filename, so it has to be a setting somewhere. Anyone run into this?

Sep 07, 2012 16:20

Can you take a screenshot of it and link it here?

Edited, Sep 08, 2012 17:35


Notice the "26" above the tabs, this only appears after I click save and publish.. The other save options don't show the page ID

Sep 11, 2012 16:29

I will also note that if I create a brand new page type referencing a blank file (test.aspx) I get the same behavior so this is leading me to believe it isn't something in my code that could be printing the ID to the screen.

Sep 11, 2012 20:40

Do you see any errors in the browser's console? Do you have Web.config or possibly Adapter settings on a level that would spread over the UI-location?

Oct 16, 2012 9:26
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