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Mirroring 2.0 Information



I've had a client request on how version 2.0 of mirroring works. I've found quite a few articles on how to set it up but I've not found anything that gives an overview of what it does under the bonnet. I'm not after anything too low level just a high level understanding on how it works and what it does.

Is anyone able to help?

Thanks in advance,


Dec 10, 2013 16:55

The Mirroring config documentation on World should describe the network parts pretty well on a high level.

API wise, mirroring uses the same functions as the Export feature (found in the EPiServer.Core.Transfer namespace) to create an export package with your content. So to understand Mirroring under the bonnet, you need to examine Exporting.

There's a blog post describing a custom mirroring provider, which outlines some of the namespaces and events involved when mirroring. 

There's also a blog post outlining some of the namespaces and events involved when exporting.

Not sure if that helps you along, but there you go.

Dec 20, 2013 0:27
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