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IE10 issue in preview mode


I have a problem with the preview mode in EPiServer for the browser IE10 in Windows 8. When an administrator/editor clicks on the preview tab the content where the preview area appears becomes slowly smaller and smaller, very odd behaviour. Anyone who had the same problem?

I know that CMS 6 R2 doesnt support IE10, but hopefully it exists a work around for this issue.


Mar 27, 2013 10:45

The same for me. Sometimes switching IE version in developer tools helps.

Apr 03, 2013 14:28

Anyone have a solution for this? Switching version and document mode in devtools does not fix this problem.

Apr 05, 2013 13:05

A temporary solution for me right now is to run edit mode in Browser Mode: IE10 Compat View and Document Mode: IE5 Quirks.

Apr 08, 2013 16:50

I have this problem also. Is there any fix for it?

Nov 14, 2013 12:17

We also have this problem, running EPiServer v  6.1.379.502.

Internet Explorer 10

browser mode: IE10 Compat View

Document mode: IE5 quirks

Windows 8



Any solution to this?

Dec 17, 2013 17:04

One workaround for this is replacing the X-UA-Compatible metatag in EPiServerUI.master page file to:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />



May 27, 2014 13:29

I'm pretty sure that bug has been fixed in the IE11 package for CMS 6 R2:

May 27, 2014 14:59
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