EpiServer FIND Indexing Sub Sites



I have a site that has "Micro Sites". This means that we have a large single site which has Child pages that create a sort of Sub Site. For example:

> MainHome
          > About Us
          > Contact Us
          > Search Results
          > MicroSite1Home
                          > About Us
                          > Contact Us
                          > Search Results
          > MicroSite2Home
                          > About Us
                          > Contact Us
                          > Search Results
           > FAQ


Is it possible to set up FIND Search pages on the Main Home page and a seperate FIND Search page on each Microsite so that the results only reflect per mainsite/microsite?

So basically, using the diagram above, when the user is browsing the MainHome (www.MainHome.com) site they can search just this section.

If a user is browsing the Microsite1Home (www.MainHome.com/MicroSite1Home) site they can search just this section of the site?

Plus, we use Templates and Composer elements so these need to be indexed.

Hope this makes sense,




Jun 27, 2013 12:28


There are a couple of extension methods you could use for this. Example: Ancestors().

SearchClient.Instance.Search<IContent>().Filter(x => x.Ancestors().Match(ContentReference.StartPage.ToString());


Jun 30, 2013 19:38

I would suggest Ancestors also.  Another option is to use the built in Categories within EPiServer and mark each page by the "sub-site" category for example: MainSite, Microsite1, Microsite2

Then its only a simple Filter on category 

Jul 25, 2013 12:52
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