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Sounds like you are loosing the context upon EntryReply. What I would look for is to preserve on Entry the source - that entry was added by someone from wall A. Then when a reply to entry of wall B is made system can get the context of the entry (find out that entry was added by someone from A) and thus post notification to wall A.
I wonder how excatly are you showing notifications? Is it just a info text somewhere on site for particular wall?
Hello friends,
Currently we are using CMS v6.2 with Relate +.
We use Blog.Entry as wall entry when someone writes to one's wall and use Blog.EntryComment when someone replies to any such wall entry.
For creating notifications we create Episerver Community -> Admin -> Create booleon attribute XXX for Episerver.Blog.Entry and Episerver.Blog.EntryComment.
When ever entry/entryComment is created, this XXX attribute is false by default, which we interpret as un-read.
Thus to show notifications on some-one's wall, we pass wallId to EntryQuery and get all entries for a wall and check attribute XXX.
And we check entryComments within each above entry.
Problem is that this way of notification limits us with notifications w.r.t. our wall post and entries only.
Thus, If A writes an entry on wall of B, B gets notification, since it is wall of B
But when B replies to that entry, the entryComment notification also comes on wall of B, since it is wall of B
and A cannot check each and every user wall for its entrycomment under entry of its name.
I am stuck with this notification thing.
Please kindly help me. (Please ignore any grammer mistakes if any).