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With the regular SqlMembershipProvider, EPiServer only has access to what is stored in the default database table aspnet_Membership.
Fields stored in this table are:
UserId, Password, PasswordFormat, PasswordSalt, MobilePIN, Email, LoweredEmail, PasswordQuestion, PasswordAnswer, IsApproved, IsLockedOut, CreateDate, LastLoginDate, LastPasswordChangedDate, LastLockoutDate, FailedPasswordAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart, Comment.
As the account is probably created (but locked) until the email verification link is clicked, you don't really have any fields that will tell you the date of verification (or even first successful login).
Does EPiServer also store the users verified date (the date on which the user clicks on the email to verify his/her account)?
If so, how can I retrieve thi?
With the help of this post ( I managed to retrieve the user-account-creation-date and the last-updated-date:
// determine when user is created var user = EPiServer.Common.Settings.DefaultSecurity.GetUserByUserName(userName); var userCreatedDate = user.CreateDate; // determine when user-profile is updated var ePiServerProfile = EPiServerProfile.Get(userName); var userUpdateDate = ePiServerProfile.LastUpdatedDate; Log.DebugFormat("user with email [{0}] is created at [{1}] and updated at [{2}]", email, userCreatedDate, userUpdateDate );