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Check personalised content in a property



I tried to find a way to check personalised content in a property,

What i want to do is to see if there is content that is not personalised and also if there is personalised content and which groups this content belongs to... 

the content looks like this:

<div class=\"epi_pc\" data-groups=\"e3bc15e7-aa65-4c0a-94f4-13d1dd629bb9\"><div class=\"epi_pc_h\" contenteditable=\"false\"><div class=\"epi_pc_l\">
<div class=\"epi_vg\">Sk&#229;ne</div></div><div class=\"epi_pc_t\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"epi_pc_editBtn\">.</a></div></div>
<div class=\"epi_pc_content\">\r\n<p>some text for a special group form episerver world</p>\r\n</div><div contenteditable=\"false\" class=\"epi_pc_f\">.</div></div>

is there any smooth way doing it :)?



Apr 03, 2014 10:03


You can try casting the PropertyData instance to an instance of IPersonalizedRoles. This interface contains a single method that handles this and all personalizable properties (XhtmlString and ContentArea) implements this interface:

IEnumerable<string> GetRoles();

Apr 04, 2014 7:59
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