It doesnt seem to matter what I do, but when I submit an xform for emailing I get this:
"The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address"
I've tried all sorts of valid email address, different servers etc, but nothing works.
I will create my own sender to get around this, but geeze, XForms is well overdue for a makeover!
Hi Peter!
I have tried the email sending options myself now and I have no problems sending e-mails. Could you post your stack trace or more information so that we can have more information about how to locate your problem?
Regarding your comments about an XForms makeover, could you give some more specific details on what you are having problems with or what you want to do that you can't do today so that we can see if this is something that should be put into the product backlog.
Stack trace is:
[FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.]
System.Net.Mime.MailBnfHelper.ReadMailAddress(String data, Int32& offset, String& displayName) +898147
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress.ParseValue(String address) +245
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress..ctor(String address, String displayName, Encoding displayNameEncoding) +87
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage..ctor() +271
EPiServer.XForms.Implementation.EMailConnection.Transform(IItem item) +121
EPiServer.XForms.Implementation.EMailConnection.SendEmail(Object sender, ChannelEventArgs e) +154
EPiServer.BaseLibrary.Channel.ChannelEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, ChannelEventArgs e) +0
EPiServer.Implementation.SynchronousChannel.Send(IItem item) +70
EPiServer.Implementation.DefaultRepository.Send(String channelId, IItem item) +111
EPiServer.XForms.XFormData.Send() +123
EPiServer.XForms.XFormData.Send(Guid formId) +53
EPiServer.XForms.WebControls.XFormControl.SubmitForm(ChannelOptions options) +1185
EPiServer.XForms.WebControls.Submit.SubmitForm(Object sender, EventArgs e) +374
EPiServer.XForms.WebControls.Submit.OnClick(EventArgs e) +42
EPiServer.XForms.WebControls.Submit.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +48
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +5102
As for new features, maybe I just dont do enought xforms so it might already be possible but...
1: More validation options - regular expressions would be great!
2: More control over layout of tables
3: More controls - eg div's, multi select drop down lists, data grid's
I had the smtp from setting in the web.config still set to localhost. Once I changed this to a real email address xforms now work. Workflows were also broken and now work.
Hi again Peter!
Here's some answers to your questions/feature requests:
1: More validation options - regular expressions would be great!
-> This is already possible. There is a property in the class EPiServer.XForms.DataTypes called Types that is a hastable with a name and a regular expression. This is the list that is used to populate the possible evaluation values for the form fields. Just modify this Hashtable at the application start to add/remove validation options.
2: More control over layout of tables.
->I agree that the layout and html could be improved. We have created a code sample for EPiServer 4 that converts the form from table based to div based. This should work for EPiServer CMS 5 as well.
3: More controls - eg div's, multi select drop down lists, data grid's
->We will probably make some major changes to the forms editor in the future to be able to support a more html editor based approach and more form input field types but as we have not begun with this I can not give any more details about this at the moment.
Linus Ekström
Team Leader, EPiServer Frontend Team