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EpiServer CMS 5 enterise - appsettings per site

Hi, In EPiSever 4.6 when I had enterprise version I could add element to web.config and define appSettings per site. Like in the example: How can I do the same in EPiServer CMS 5? Best regards, Dominik
Feb 01, 2008 12:58
Do you mean your custom settings or EPiServer settings ? The later is outlined in the technote "Configuring EPiServer CMS 5 Enterprise".
Feb 01, 2008 13:34
Hi, I read that technote and as I understand it describes that I can set configuration attributes for different sites (in siteSettings element). But I don't know where to add my own keys. Key that I will have possibility to set it's value separately for each site. Dominik
Feb 02, 2008 23:25
Hi! We currently have no support for this in EPiServer CMS 5 so you will have to handle this yourself for now. We have this feature on our wish list for enterprise functionality so hopefully you will have this in the future.
Feb 05, 2008 11:48

Hi, have you already scheduled date/CMS version that will support this useful functionality?


Edited, Jun 09, 2008 11:43

We have it on our product backlog with a reasonably high prio, but from what I understand it will not make it into the next release (EPiServer CMS 5 R2).


Jun 09, 2008 16:36

Hi Per,

 Thank you for your feedback.



Jun 10, 2008 10:44

Do you know when this functionality will be added? In a service pack or next relase? And when will that be?


Nov 26, 2008 9:53
Feb 14, 2011 16:36
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