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Could you please help with questionnaire about CMS:), please get involved, Thank You


Hello. My name is Piotr and I am a student at Edinburgh Napier University studying Web Technologies. As part of my course I am required to write a dissertation on a topic of my choice, therefore this dissertation is designed to enable me to understand differences and similarities of Open Source (Wordpress, Drupal, Wiki, Joomla etc.) and Commercial (SiteCore, EpiServe, Ektron, Alterian, Amaxus, Sitefinity etc.) Content Management System within user point of view.

I am aware of the busy schedules of everyone, but I would appreciate it if you could take just a few minutes to answer my questionnaire. I would appreciate honest answers so that varied responses can be collected. This questionnaire is completely anonymous and will only be handled by myself and my supervisor if need be.

I would appreciate it if this questionnaire could be completed and returned to me by the 29th of February 2012. Thank you in advance for your co-operation in taking your time to complete my questionnaire, it is much appreciated.

link to questionnaire

Thank You for your time spent:)

Feb 14, 2012 0:23

Answered now - good luck on your dissertation.


Feb 14, 2012 22:42

Thanks you very much!!:) take care:) hope there are othwers who filled it as well:)

Feb 17, 2012 14:47

Just submitted the survey, hope it helps.

Please post the results of your findings :)

Feb 21, 2012 14:53
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