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Jumpy Composer Edit in IE


Got this issue described to me by one of our customers and I have been able to recreate the issue on both our development environment and on the create demo site. The issue occurs when you go to the Edit mode an the Composer tab. Scrolling down on the page to add content in the bottom of the page and start dragging the function to add the page jumps to the top of the page. The function representation get vertically offset to the mouse position and this makes the placement of the function very difficult. Also trying to scroll down the page by holding the function against the bottom of the window to add the function at the bottom of a long page i impossible since the page gets jumpy and only jumps back to the top.

This only occurs i IE (tried IE8) and in the edit mode of composer, not the Composer Edit on page. Is there something that can be done to get rid of this issue since the customer mostly works with IE8. The obvious is to use Edit on Page or another browser but I thought I would address the issue.

Nov 16, 2010 9:09

I'm facing the same issue using EPiServer 6 and Composer 4, again only happens when trying to edit a composer page within edit mode not the Composer edit on page. Has any one else found this issue and have a resolution ?


Aug 08, 2011 15:01

Hi Minesh!

I think this is a reported bug and has been fixed for Composer 4 R2. If you have partner access (so you can see get the login credentials) you can try the functionality on to see if the problem is still there. 

Aug 08, 2011 15:58

Thanks for the info Toni will check it out now.



Aug 08, 2011 16:04

It's the bug #61673: Drag-drop unstable on IE8 standard mode in Edit mode\Extension of Composer

Oct 12, 2011 14:51
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