Composer Blocks disappearing


Hi all,

if anyone has experienced and found a solution on this any help would be appreciated.

I have done some investigations, and it looks like the problem is caused by the way composer functions are associated with pages – composer doesn’t show any errors to the user, but using a custom tool to read the PageStructure of the affected page, it displays an exception caused by an incorrect DataFactory.Instance.GetPage call, e.g.:


 Page 1864_4839 was not found


The 1864_4839 combination refers to a composer function which is associated with the affected page. Needless to say, page 1864 exists but version 4839 is not there…


Does anyone know how to find a solution (even a reactive one) to these errors, like rebinding the page-function association to an existing version of the function?


EPiServer 6R2 + Composer 4R2

Many thanks


Oct 31, 2013 9:55

Hi Fabio! Were you ever able to resolve this issue? We're seeing the same issue on an EPiServer CMS 6 R2 site.

It seems all of a sudden, Composer blocks just vanish without a trace. :/

Jun 23, 2014 15:34

Hello guys

Any of you found the solution for this, we are currently experiencing this as well.

We are also experiencing that content can be edited, published and viewed - but vanishes after a while.

Any clues?

Best regards


Dec 04, 2014 9:04
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