In my case I've just added some meta tag to force IE to render in IE8 compatible mode (when in edit mode or Composer on page edit):
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
//It's important that _extensionHandler initialized after base.OnInit.
if (_extensionHandler.ViewMode == ExtensionGeneric.ViewMode.ExtensionEditOnPageMode || _extensionHandler.ViewMode == ExtensionGeneric.ViewMode.ExtensionEditMode)
HtmlMeta httpEquiv = new HtmlMeta();
httpEquiv.HttpEquiv = "X-UA-Compatible";
httpEquiv.Content = "IE=EmulateIE7";
Hope this helps.
We are using Composer 4R2 with CMS 6R2, but are experiencing some issues in IE10. In composer edit mode, it is impossible to drag the composer functions anywhere. Also, once in composer edit mode, the Publish/Cancel button for the article itself does not work.
We don't want to spend to much time on this, since using a different browser is an acceptable workaround, and since we are planning on upgrading to EPiServer 7.
All I want to know is if there are any hotfix-patches available for Composer 4R2.