EPiServer Mail HTML Customiztion



I am in the early stages of developing a mail system for an enterprise website that is build on EPiServer.

The system requires that certain content will be customized per user depending on their member profile.

At the moment i need to ascertain is using EPiServer mail is a viable option. From examples i have seen, it provides a certain amount of cuistomization attributes for properties like first name, email etc. I need to determine how EPiServer mail will hold up when blocks of HTML as inserted as properties in the email?


So for example i will need to generate a mail order something like below:


Hi §a§ §b§!<br>
Here is the content of the <i>email or Newsletter</i>.
Article 1




emailA@example.com;Andrew;Anderson;<p><h1>My Customised article</h1></p><p>The body of my customised article</p>


I greatly appreciate any help/opinions on this.



Feb 24, 2012 0:50
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