Remember login on several Epi sites

I would like to see that the "remember login-function" worked properly. For example, auto-login doesn't work on this site after that I used the same function on our own Epi website. A quick fix would be to add a paramter based on the url in the login cookie. //Sebastian
Aug 29, 2005 15:27
Cookies are per-site, so that would not work. Additionally, you'd need to share username and password between the sites, which is not exactly among best security practices. Microsoft Passport is the closest I can think of that works the way you describe. /Steve
Aug 29, 2005 17:02
It would probably be easier if I was to write in swedish. What I mean is that a user can't use the function "Remember my login" on two Epi-sites even if they are no related at all. Only the last one seems to work. Now in swedish: Om jag är medlem i två helt oberoende epi-sajter så kan jag inte använda "komihåg" mitt log in på dem båda. Bara den jag loggade in på sist kommer ihåg mina uppgifter. I alla fall upplevs det så. //Sebastian
Aug 29, 2005 17:34
Never mind. I've just tried it and it worked fine. Maybe the cookies is set to expire within a week or so?
Aug 29, 2005 17:46
I think the expiration cookie for the "Remember me"-function is set to a value several years ahead. I remember that there have been some problems with this functionality in earlier versions of EPiServer 4 but I don't think there are any known issues now. If you could reproduce the problem please contact with information about the problem.
Sep 22, 2005 15:20
Hi I am encountering the same problem with the "Remember me"-function, ie it doesn't seem to remember me for a very long time sometimes. I am sorry to say that I don't see any pattern in this behaviour, but I'm not logged in for several years, thats for sure. is the only site I'm using this functionality for and I'm not flushing my cookies every now and then. Regards /Danne N
Feb 21, 2006 10:21
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