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Both the features you mention are dependent on functions that touch devices don't have (middle click/right click/ctrl).
I guess that's why they're removed in EPiServer 7 (and probably won't be reinstated?)
But one should not limit a desktop computer/power users just because iPads can't do this. It can be supported for normal computers, and let the experience be as it is for touchies.
E.g. why not trigger the context menu when you're right clicking a page in the tree? Just a few lines of code... now we need laser precision to hit the small button next to page to open the menu.
Funny thing, when sales reps are demoing EPiServer, they're still right click themselves a couple of times, then they realize that they have to left click the small button to access the context menu.
Easiest way to open the page in a new tab seems to be to open the page, click the publish button and then you have a link to the view mode.
+1 Arve! How many editors are working on an iPad or any other touch device?
Created a workaround for anyone interested:
Kudos for the workaround, but this should really be fixed by episerver by turning each of the nodes into a proper link to support ctrl-clicking or the like.
If I want to open five pages as new tabs quickly, that still can't be done.
That's very true, I am not sure if it's possible to add that behavior as an add-on...
In EPi 6, you could open any page in the tree by either:
- clicking the middle click inside the edit mode tree
- by holding Ctrl + right click and selecting Open link in new tab
Now, from 7 on, you need to navigate to the page in question; click on the Options and then, middle click View on website.
Very often, when I add a new page, I want to take a look into how it looks like on a listing or similar. This is also a common scenario when anything related to routing/URL rewriting is being tested.