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Update log4net please!


The version EPiServer is running is very old now (januari 2011) and there are a lot of other nuget packages that also runs log4net but newer versions that wont install because we can't update log4net.

This is becoming a bigger and bigger problem so please try to include this in some near feature. I know there are different keys and so, but with a do like this guide we developers should be able to fix the problems that will happen.

Aug 05, 2014 16:17

Or better abstract away to some other more "flexible" logging framework :)

Aug 08, 2014 8:25

Valdis, that would be even better!

Aug 08, 2014 8:31

Ditto, please also update Newtonsoft.Json and StuructureMap .

Sep 17, 2014 16:11

Linus reported that they have tested with newer Json, there are some AddOns that are still work-in-progress.

Sep 17, 2014 16:12
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