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Show an arrow after Status that can be expanded to see the error details when uploading files


When uploading a file, an error is shown on hover. This is not intuitive for the developers, let alone editors. It would be great if you could improve on UX here, maybe by having an arrow that when clicked expands the error details. Or perhaps a link "Show more details".

Ugly example:

Dec 04, 2017 11:21

Hey Marija

I swear I saw a blog post about this once but can't seem to find it now. Involved extendeding the default css to show errors. Or maybe I am gettig confused with Alf's awesome post here:

Maybe I imagined it (or dreamt of a future blog wink!). 


Dec 05, 2017 18:44

Hmmm I got the feeling I read that as well, will try to look up and post here :) Thx!

Dec 06, 2017 10:36

it's nice. it's just failed. why need more info?

Dec 06, 2017 17:02
Dec 06, 2017 18:03

great success!

Dec 06, 2017 20:40
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