Calling all developers! We invite you to provide your input on Feature Experimentation by completing this brief survey.
Calling all developers! We invite you to provide your input on Feature Experimentation by completing this brief survey.
Hi Raed,
Have you found a suitable solution or workaround for this?
I have a similar requirement. Our client has two main Audiences (International and Domestic) and they have a different Locations (City A, City B, City C). They want to personalize content based on the combination, eg Domestic AND CityB, International AND CityA.
I'm concerned there may be too many combinations to make an explicit Visitor Group for each.
I'm currently considering nesting personalized blocks to achieve this. But I know I will have trouble with the CMS User using the Preview because they can only select one visitor group.
Have you considered nesting visitor groups instead?
I mean creating a custom visitor group criterion for "All" that takes a list of other visitor groups.
They would have to create a new visitor group of that kind for every place they want to use the "All" logic but maybe that is acceptable?
One of our clients asked for below feature related to visitor groups selection when a content block is personalized.
EPiSerber default behavior: EPiserver allows the user to select one ore multiple visitor groups when setup the personalization of a content block. The block will be visible to the visitor if he/she is a member of Any of the selected visitor groups on the content block. In other word the visitor membership is evaluated to true if any of the visitor groups matches.
Requested Feature: The client asking if they can have a feature where they can control the membership matching condition to be either "Any" or "All". In case of "All" Episerver shall display the block only if the visitor is a member of All visitor groups that are selected on the content block (and not only member of any of the visitor groups).
Rational:The client would like the ability to specify AND conditions if you apply more than one visitor group to the same block. The example they gave us was that they have a visitor group for Partners and a visitor group for Colombia and they wouldn’t want to create an additional group for Partners in Colombia, because they will end up with a very large number of visitor groups.