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Disable Publish Button when working in a Project


We use the Projects Feature in Epi quite heavily.

The whole purpose of a project is to stage data and updates for a later publish date.

However, the Publish button is still active when viewing adn working on the project.

This is very bad.   We have content folks that mistakenly push that button, while working on a project, because they flip back and forth between working on projects and live updates.


When working on a project, disable/hide the Publish button.

Sep 25, 2017 18:38

Hey Bernard,

I think this is actually a feature, since you might need to publish something before the project is fully done.

How else would you publish something without publishing everything that is ready-to-publish? In this case, Episerver would need to have some context menu option inside a Project overview that does a "Publish anyway". 

In any way, it looks like this is a good point, but it needs some further considerations...

Sep 28, 2017 14:47
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