I'm late to the party here but if you editors really want this feature then you could reverse the usage of the isUserInApprovalSequence() method I blogged about here and just publish instead:
Bear in mind they would lose the ability to add a approval comment if thats how the sequence has been configured.
Welcome to the party, don´t seem to be able to approve from EPiServer.ContentEventArgs, e.Cancel is easy, but you don-t have a e.Approve. any thoughts?
Would be lovely even before push button to have the Publish instead of "Send for Approval" if user is approver.
We have approvals enabled. But since i´m one of the approvers, by user or by role, doesnt matter, I should not need to click "Send for approval"-->"Approve"-->"Publish" to Publish stuff (also i get mails and notifications) I should be able to Publish right away.
That would be neat. Fair?
Request from my editors