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EPiServer - update 55

Update 55 includes new features for CMS 8 and Find 9. It also includes updates to Commerce, add-ons, CMO and Relate for compatibility with CMS 8. Read more on the release of CMS 8 in the article New release of EPiServer CMS with enhanced preview and inproved SEO.

The update is applicable to EPiServer projects version 7.5 and higher, and contains finalized work items included in the latest iteration. The update is available for installation from the EPiServer NuGet feed. Continuous release updates are cumulative, meaning that the latest always includes previous updates. All platform updates are supported and we strongly recommend that you keep ongoing projects up to date.

Latest changes

Click a package in the list below to see work item details. Refer to Release notes for an overview of latest changes. See Installing EPiServer updates for information on how to install EPiServer updates using NuGet.

Updated packages  

EPiServer CMS UI



EPIServer CMS Core

EPiServer.CMS.Core 8.0.0


  • #121381 Support for canonical URLs
  • #104139 API to render canonical URL (MVC and web forms)
  • #121380 Host redirect settings can be modified from Admin view
  • #91829 Tab settings can be defined in code
  • #120389 Fallback languages supported for projects
  • #120485 Category performance improved
  • #75370 Remove the 'Classic' link stage in the API and only use permanent links
  • #118128 Simplified mocking for UrlResolver, TemplateResolver and ContentAssetHelper
  • #120484 Implement typed interfaces on ContentReference
  • #118563 Fix performance problems in PropertyDataCollection

Breaking changes and upgrading

EPiServer Find



Breaking changes

EPiServer Commerce


Important notifications

Note the following version-specific information:

  • From update 6, EPiServer UI components (CMS and Commerce after version 7.6.0) have been converted to NuGet packages. Location of packages have changed and might affect the installation if you are going from the first to the latest update, refer to Changes to package locations.
  • From update 35, .NET Framework 4.5 is required, see System requirements and Upgrading to .NET Framework 4.5.
  • Update 36 included breaking changes for Commerce, refer to Breaking changes Commerce 8.
  • From update 40, workflows are disabled by default to simplify Azure deployment. Refer to Activating workflows for information on how to enable them.

Related information

Last updated: Feb 23, 2015