IListService interface

Version InfoThis topic applies to Episerver.ConnectForMarketingAutomation 4.0.0 and lower. For later versions, see Sample Connector - IMarketingConnector

 Interface for retrieving lists and columns.


IListService.GetDatabases method 

Get a list of available databases.

  • NamespaceEPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.Services
  • Assembly. EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration (in EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.dll) Version:
  • C# syntax.
    IEnumerable<IDataList> GetDatabases()
  • Return value. TypeIEnumerable< IDataList>
  • List of available databases.

IListService.GetFilteredListColumns method 

Gets column names of a specified list, with possible filtered-out columns.

  • NamespaceEPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.Services
  • Assembly. EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration (in EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.dll) Version:
  • C# syntax.
    IEnumerable<string> GetFilteredListColumns(
      int listId
  • Parameters
  • Return value. TypeIEnumerable< String>
    List of columns.
  • Remarks.. Use when getting columns (fields) for dynamic content.

IListService.GetListColumnRecords method 

Gets column names of a specified list.

  • NamespaceEPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.Services
  • Assembly. EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration (in EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.dll) Version:
  • C# syntax.
    IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetListColumnRecords(
      int listId
  • Parameters.
  • Return value. TypeIEnumerable< KeyValuePair< String, String>>
    List of columns. Each column is represented by a KeyValuePair object of (column name, column display name).

IListService.GetListColumns method 

Gets column names of a specified list.

IListService.GetLists method 

Get a list of profiles.

  • NamespaceEPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.Services
  • Assembly. EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration (in EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.dll) Version:
  • C# syntax.
    IEnumerable<IDataList> GetLists()
  • Return value. TypeIEnumerable< IDataList>
    List of IDataList objects that represent a profile list.

Last updated: Dec 10, 2015