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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 07, 2008

    As many of you know, there is a comprehensive 404 handler available for download through EPiCode. However, I just wanted a simple way of specifying a PageID and have that page act as a 404 response. Easier said than done it seems I actually got...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 07, 2008

    After having 1) referenced System. Web. Extensions and 2) added all the necessary entries to web. config, we still got full postbacks when submitting through an UpdatePanel in an EPiServer 4.62 website. The solution As it turns out, the culprit...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 07, 2008

    This post explains how to get the friendly URL of a page in EPiServer, handy for those cases where you won't get automatic rewriting of internal URLs.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 07, 2008

    If you haven't noticed Microsoft has added some Messenger presence tools that you can use on your blog, just follow the instructions here and paste the HTML into your profile description. See a sample on the right side here in my profile.  Simple...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 06, 2008

    ... or read this once you've ignored that piece of advice Eager to update to EPiServer CMS SP1 I got a bit careless. I finished my development locally, published and tested it on our staging server and then finally published it to the live server....

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 06, 2008

    I did not realize that we are hiring so many new positions here on the EPiServer development team, so if you would like to join us you will not get a better chance! (The picture is from the kick-off in Åre 2008)     Configuration and Build...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 06, 2008

    Many of us have implemented registration procedures both in generic ASP.NET sites and also in EPiServer. One of the more annoying things when you as a developer or tester works with the registration procedure and have to test email activation. It...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 06, 2008

    Har senaste tiden grejat lite med VirtualPathProvider i EPiServer CMS 5. Kom på några till synes enkla ting man kan göra. För att läsa in en bild som Stream kan man göra det på följande sätt: Stream fileStream = VirtualPathProvider.OpenFile(imageP...