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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 06, 2022

    This roadmap gives you a high-level overview of everything you need to get started with Optimizely CMS 12. I recommend that you bookmark this page as it is a constant and ever-growing list of useful Optimizely resources that will help you learn ho...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 05, 2022

    We all have an idea on how to start a car engine. Electric car and newer model have a start engine button, older people will remember starting a car with a key. And we might even have people old enough to have started their car engine with a crank...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 04, 2022

    Recently I was working on an Optimizely project which had some interesting issues, which seemed to happen right after startup. For no apparent reason some of the properties on a page were null . The investigation started: Check the CMS to be sure...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 03, 2022

    The following release notes highlight major or interesting changes in Optimizely's products in November and December 2021.

  • Posted on: Dec 30, 2021

    The goal of this post is to provide some examples of working with Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) with Optimizely Content Cloud and Commerce Cloud . Note that, while focused on those platforms using our Foundation reference implementation , the...

  • Posted on: Dec 30, 2021

    In CMS 11 I had a view configuration that looked like this: [ServiceConfiguration(typeof(ViewConfiguration))] public class SendToTranslationView : ViewConfiguration { public SendToTranslationView() { var localization = ServiceLocator.Current.GetIn...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 23, 2021

    If you are thinking of introducing a new SaaS tool into your tech stack, like Optimizely Web, you need to know it complies with all the latest cookie laws and regulations. It is understandable and natural why a lot of companies who are thinking...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 23, 2021

    Geta.Optimizely.Extensions The old package Geta.EPi.Extensions has been renamed to Geta.Optimizely.Extensions . Install it using Nuget package manager or from the command line: Install-Package Geta.Optimizely.Extensions The package has almost the...