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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 27, 2019

    While researching about how to intercept the download of a media file we found several posts, like this one, that mentioned the use of DownloadMediaRouter.DownloadSegment to get the file name and send it as part of the content disposition header o...

  • Posted on: Feb 27, 2019

    We have been asked for quite something on how to extend OrderStatus and OrderShipmentStatus. The problem is, we can't, because they are two enums, and C#/.NET does not allow you to extend enums in any way. However, that is going to change in...

  • Posted on: Feb 27, 2019

    What we are trying to achieve here is, whenever I create a new entry in Translations Block (to create dictionary item), the latest entry goes at the end of the list. Which is not sorted in alphabetic order. Therefore, it is difficult to find any...

  • Posted on: Feb 26, 2019

    Filling in a from can be simplified for your users! Basic contact information, such as name and email address, can be filled in automatically by utilizing the LinkedIn API. You can read the blog here

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 26, 2019

    In one of my projects where we are using the Content Delivery API from Episerver, we also have some custom logic in the templates for some Ajax posting. A JavaScript makes a POST request to the current url and expects a json response, therefore th...

  • Posted on: Feb 25, 2019

    In the next release of EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce (2.8.0) there is small enhancement for blocks. When a block is added to the TinyMCE, the editor will be able to navigate to this block using the Go to block  button.

  • Posted on: Feb 25, 2019

    In the next release of CMS UI (version 11.18.0), we have added two improvements to the date picker.  1. Time zone and GMT offset data for selected date The date picker will now display the time zone (Firefox and Chrome only) and the GMT offset at...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 25, 2019

    As part of the Episerver platform, Episerver Insight and Episerver Campaign are integrated to share data. This data includes things such as email tracking of sends, opens and clicks from Episerver Campaign into Episerver Insight and also segments...