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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 19, 2017

    Recently I wrote about how to look into, identify and solve the problem with a SQL Server execution plan – as you can read here: I have some more time to revisit the query now, and I...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 19, 2017

    An error you typically get looks like this: The Type 'EPiServer.Personalization.VisitorGroups.VisitorGroupCriterion' needs to be remapped in the Dynamic Data Store, see the Errors collection for more information. Remapping can be done by applying...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 16, 2017

    I said this, and I will repeat it here: SQL Server optimizer is smart, and in most of the cases, it’s smarter than you and me (I have no doubt that you are smart, even very, very smart 🙂 ). So most of the case, you leave it to do whatever it thin...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 16, 2017

    When EPiServer runs in a load-balanced environment, the servers rely on exchanging messages about system events with each other. At the moment, EPiServer supplies four event providers. This post is about implementing a new event provider, using...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 16, 2017

    I have had the privilege to participate in couple of Episerver’s trainings. Both for the CMS and for the Commerce. CMS training was a 3-day CMS fundamentals course and the Commerce was a 5-day online boot camp session. For those who are thinking...

  • Posted on: Oct 15, 2017

    Recently I have been asked to show a working mode authtenication as a couple partners coulld not get it working.  In this post I will go through the steps of setting up mixed mode with identity and WS-Federation with Azure AD. Azure...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 12, 2017

    While migrating from Ektron to Episerver can seem overwhelming, there are a few areas that you can focus on to ensure the project's success.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 11, 2017

    A normal setup today for a lot of companies is to have different systems for providing their users with an external website as well as an intranet. For example, two different Episerver instances or one Episerver and one SharePoint. But a common...