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  • Posted on: Jul 06, 2016

    Our new Campaigns and Promotions features have been developed with customer involvement to ensure we are enabling them to reach their business goals of increasing revenues. In the latest release on our feed we have removed the beta stamp across th...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 06, 2016

    Me and some colleagues had a project where we needed to remove all translations from an Episerver website except one. For that we needed to know what the database structure looks like in Episerver and I will share this to all of you! Now I’m tryin...

  • Posted on: Jul 06, 2016

    It's been in development and testing with beta customer for a while and with Commerce 9.19.0 it has finally dropped the beta stamp! A terminology issue - in the user interface we use the term "discount" and in code / APIs we use the term...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 02, 2016

    The biggest fix has been auto-save not always picking up changed values from the Tags property. In addition we’ve added some more flexibility with GroupKeys, CultureSpecific support, allow spaces, allow duplicates and case sensitive. And a brand n...

  • Posted on: Jul 02, 2016

    Earlier this year I created a plugin to give admins / editors a quicker way to change sort order of content types  (post here) . While it works I realialised that most of the time I really just wante to have the content types sorted in alfabetical...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 01, 2016

    Since few months PropertyList property is available in EPiServer. It allows to create list of blocks. List value is serialized to JSON and stored together with Page. The property doesn’t allow to work with simple types like strings or integers. An...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 30, 2016

    We presume no one argues with the expression that “content is king” But what makes up your content then? Whether you are in a B2B or B2C market your content has most likely shifted more and more rapidly during the years to include more and more...

  • Posted on: Jun 29, 2016

    Here is the third blog post in the series about Geta’s Klarna checkout module - this time the topic is Commerce order management processes. Re ad the full blog post at my company blog: