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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 10, 2016

    I’m looking forward to the Profile Store in EPiServer, but in the mean time I want some information to be remembered. You can, of course, create your own persistent visitor groups, but who knows what will change when the Profile Store arrives. I...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 10, 2016

    I was poking around n Quicksilver and I found an interesting piece of code for adding exchange rates to your site. In Quicksilver it is done once, during initialization, so I decided to create a scheduled job for it as rates tend to change :)...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 10, 2016

    Since EPiServer released update 89 it is possible to use nested queries in EPiServer Find. In this blog, I describe how you can use nested queries.

  • Posted on: Feb 09, 2016

    I like to call it the perfect storm. You know, when the universe or a supreme deity or whatever decides to throw a bunch of stuff at you all at once to see if you’ll break? What did we possibly do to deserve this? A.K.A The problem Guess what? One...

  • Posted on: Feb 09, 2016

    I work locally and move the site to a test server, and the search didn't work. The first problem was the http://IndexingService/IndexingService.svc gave an 500 error since it didn't find the handler for it. That was easy resolved by adding...

  • Posted on: Feb 08, 2016

    A quick tip for finding owner page. var contentAssetHelper = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance (); var ownerNode = contentAssetHelper.GetAssetOwner(media.ContentLink); It is also worth to mention that the standard EPiServer Search will index loca...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 06, 2016

    Hi Episerver developers! I have updated FakeMaker (helping you unit test your Episerver code) to support the version 9 binaries. Breaking changes caused compile errors (oops!) and made the tool incompatible with the latest versions of Episerver. I...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 06, 2016

    Hi Episerver developers! I have updated FakeMaker (helping you unit test your Episerver code) to support the version 9 binaries. Breaking changes caused compile errors (oops!) and made the tool incompatible with the latest versions of Episerver. I...