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  • Posted on: Mar 21, 2015

    This blog post is just to inform about a bug in EPiServer Self-Optimizing Block that other might encounter. I have reported it to support so it will be handled. We are using EPiServer Self-Optimizing Block to test different versions of blocks on t...

  • Posted on: Mar 20, 2015

    So, you’ve heard of this great search/query/big-data tool we call EPiServer Find. And you have considered trying it out, but couldn’t really find the time to create an index, find some data, parse it into an object model and then index it.. Well –...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 19, 2015

    I wrote a small console application to ease the migration of the old EPiServer language files generating language tool initialization classes. These classes are used by the database based language tool from a previous article. Source code at GitHu...

  • Posted on: Mar 19, 2015

    If you do not carefully plan for cleaning up abandoned carts ( Forum post ), the number of carts will quickly get out of control. It is highly recommended to have the scheduled job for cleaning up old carts execute on a daily schedule (...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 18, 2015

    I ran into a small ImageVault 4 configuration error setting up a new testing environment for a client’s EPiServer 7.5 website the other day; all of our ImageVault pubished media URLs had stopped working. Or, actually they worked just fine … Contin...

  • Posted on: Mar 18, 2015

    Catalog entries in the Commerce catalog can be linked to multiple categories. For each such link there will be a corresponding hierarchical route based on the category structure (e.g. /catalog/t-shirts/batman and /catalog/spring-sale/batman). If t...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 16, 2015

    In this blog post we are going through steps how to move server-side EPiServer Xml based resource provider content over to client-side and localize angular.js controllers, services or bindings - basically how to let angular.js to know that there i...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 16, 2015

    Sneaking inside default EPiServer’s sample sites (like AlloyTech) we can notice that Xml based localization provider is being used. It’s nice approach to keep all localization resources in single place, well-structured using XPath query to fetch a...