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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 07, 2014

    Not really a big post, but I got some requests to update the provider for a newer version EPiServer. So version “2” is compatible with 7.7.1 and above. I also added on request an option for automatic translations through an external provider. I...

  • Posted on: Oct 07, 2014

    With the introduction of EPiServer 7.5, EPiServer Commerce provides a content provider that can serve any catalog content as IContent. This means that it is possible to work with catalog content using the same techniques as working with CMS conten...

  • Posted on: Oct 07, 2014

    A colleague and I have made an EPiServer integration for the video CMS 23 Video . This has been done in collaboration with the Norwegian Government Security and Service Organization (DSS). The customer strongly believes in knowledge sharing, and...

  • Posted on: Oct 06, 2014

    In Commerce 8.0, we have dropped the dependency to EPiServer Common Framework. When dropping the dependency, we had to remove all classes in EPiServer.Business.Commerce which had dependencies to EPiServer Common Framework. With the dropped classes...

  • Posted on: Oct 06, 2014

    No, I’ll not write a long, detailed, in-depth blog post as Shannon did it in When I read that blog – I understand how complex our order search...

  • Posted on: Oct 05, 2014

    I’ve seen a few cases where Visual Studio is not able to create the database successfully when using the template to create a new EPiServer site. The MDF file is in the correct location, but either there are errors in the Visual Studio console...

  • Posted on: Oct 04, 2014

    As you all know, from the end of 2013, we switched to nuget packages approach, which allow us to roll updates more often than the old msi installation before. The source version control system we had been using for years – TFS – had trouble...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 03, 2014

    UPDATE: Paul Smith has created a DDS Remap Type Admin Plug-in (Download). Just wanted to share this with you all and store this to myself. Ever needed to remap DDS types? Not having the DDS type decorated with attributes? You … Read more ›