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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 27, 2023

    A custom episerver widget might seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Build an icon picker property together with me and see how easy it is!

  • Posted on: Feb 27, 2023

    Optimizely provides a PIM solution as a part of the DXP package. More information here: More often that not, clients have their existing PIM and/or ERP systems that feed other systems in...

  • Posted on: Feb 27, 2023

    Here's how you can use a simple publishing event to generate content using OpenAI. The code is pretty simple - I will avoid getting into too many details as Tomas has done a wonderful job of explaining it in his blog post here: https://www.gulla.n...

  • Posted on: Feb 26, 2023

    Decorator pattern is one of my favorite design pattern for backend code development. From wikipedia: A decorator pattern is a design pattern that allows a behavior to be added to an individual object dynamically, without affecting the behavior of...

  • Posted on: Feb 25, 2023

    I am sure you have been asked by clients to create a scheduled job that generates a report and sends it to third party system for further processing. One of our client asked us to generate a daily report of all the completed orders for further...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 24, 2023

    If you are working with Optimizely DXP sites, take a few minutes to consider whether you really need sticky sessions. Here is how to disable them and what happens after.

  • Posted on: Feb 24, 2023

    For customers with large catalogs and complex taxonomies, managing product to category assignments can be a very time consuming task. Optimizely PIM allows you to manage category assignments within the application or by import but also has a dynam...

  • Posted on: Feb 24, 2023

    Optimizely will deprecate the Cross-Browser Testing feature on the 25th of April 2023. As of this writing, cross-browser testing only has 0.54% user adoption rate and 1.38% account adoption rate. In fact, the actual percentages are even lower as...