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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 13, 2014

    The solution I’m currently working on has a lot of stuff in the Dynamic Data Store, this data relates to the various pages. So when the customer empties the trash bin, we want to take the opportunity to also clean out the “trash” from the DDS....

  • Posted on: May 13, 2014

    A few weeks ago we released an update to the Visual Studio extension to create new sites without using Deployment Center . With that update we made it possible to create new sites configured with all the required NuGet packages, much like how...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 13, 2014

    We had this splendid little cache manager in my previous project that simplified handling caching for us. It was written by a former collegue of mine, Patrik Akselsson, and last week I found a need for a similar thing at … Continue reading →

  • Posted on: May 09, 2014

    EPiServer recently released an API for their license data .  The idea is that you can export license information from EPiServer and bring it down to your own infrastructure to query and otherwise manipulate it. I had been asking for something like...

  • Posted on: May 09, 2014

    I did a presentation in Oslo about a month ago and one thing in EPiServer 7.5 that I wanted to emphasize on is the support for the IMetadataAware attribute. This, in combination with implementing a ValidationAttribute is very powerful and in this...

  • Posted on: May 06, 2014

    Joel Abrahamsson wrote a nice blog post about how to define a property that uses an enum that gives the editor a selection of choices in the UI. This code was written for EPiServer 7 and there are some changes in EPiServer 7.5 that makes it possib...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 06, 2014

    I recently got my hands on a new project at work and wanted to see if I could avoid using EPiServer‘s ServiceLocator to resolve the dependencies in my code. From previous projects I was used to being able to inject … Continue reading →

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 05, 2014

    A normal convention when listing files is to give them different icons, to easily distinguish between the different types. EPiServer's new media system does not do this by default, but there's a simple fix for this.